Tuuka Bear

About This Breeding
Zamboni is my Party Girl from my very first litter with Nova (Lobo). She is extremely friendly, very silly, and always down to party.
Tuuka Bear is from Guardian Shilohs and was placed as a Therapy Dog Prospect. He is a big handsome boy who is super sweet!
As you may have noticed, we bred to Tuuka earlier this winter with Zam's sister, Vega, who lives in Houston. We were extremely happy with the puppies they produced - social, confident, and fun-loving - and we are hoping to repeat that with our Zamboni Spring of 2023!
The best homes for these pups are ones that are active, will get them out into the world and prefer outgoing social personalities.
Available Puppy!
We have one female from this breeding available. Breeding homes will be given priority that are located in the upper midwest. Breeding home agreements can be flexible and are closely guided and supported by me throughout the breeding, pregnancy, whelping, and raising processes. Typically, a minimum of two litters are required. The ISSA works hard to support and promote our beloved breed, and also offers a Breeding Training Program to all of our members. Breeding homes are a big commitment, but they are worth it and necessary to continue to preserve the breed and produce these fantastic family companions!
The available female is still subject to our Litter Evaluation (LER) where we work to ascertain the puppy's behavioral and temperamental qualities to make the best match possible with the prospective family. This particular litter has 2 females in it and it will not be known until the LER which of the girls will be our breeding prospect. So far however, both of the girls are proving to be hilarious little sprites, just like their mom was at their age! Yellow collar girl (pictured below left) is a Golden Sable and Purple Collar girl (pictured below right) is a unique Gray Sable.
Email us at if interested!
Ready for homes Memorial Day Weekend 2023